Man, where's the lecturer?? Where's Mr. Ganen? His office was locked. How are we supposed to hand over our assignment? I thought he said the due date is today...well, whatever. Just need to tell him that he wasn't around today. Hope that'll do the trick.
Waking up early, trying to figure out a way to solve the problem...kinda frustrating. Finally ended up playing games. Hopeless.
And there was a class at 11 a.m.
No test?! Wuhoo!! That's a relieve. Just listen to the lecture...somehow it's kinda boring though. Not interesting enough. But I kindly wait 'till the lecture was over...even with my grumbling tummy - sorry tummy, just wait a bit more.
Here we go! To the cafe! much for the hungry one.
So fast! The food went missing in just huh.. Done eating, we saw something...and suddenly thought of something bad...kinda. We have this

on our table...a candle with red coloured water below the oil. You see the bottom there...somewhat cloudy. That's because Aaina put a few drops of milo in it. We love trying something...weird. The colour somehow turn into something quite lovely. Colourful. Lol.
hahaha...nice experiment ^_^