Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fashion show

Ehh...?! Fashion Show?? Hmm...Who ever thought that there will be a fashion show in the middle of day at Linton University College.

Somewhen, somehow, I got this message from a friend who ask me to have a look. Ok, since I'm going out I'll take a look...

It's a lil' bit early. So, my friends and I decided to have a meal first. We stop at the nearby restaurant. Just about time my hand reach the food, I got a text from a friend who faithfully wait for the show. It says that the show have started. Great! Perfect timing.

Ohh well, I guess the show won't wait for us. Food shall we eat first. Then the show, off we go.

Well, the show was halfway through when I get there. Luckily, I have a sit reserved. Haha... A nice sit too. Thanks to a friend.

Cool design. Awesome actually. I like the so-called Skeleton. The 1st prize winner of course. Emo-Goth style.


Pergh! Semalam cuma ada 4 biji kentang dan separuh kobis sahaja di dapur...

Lepas habis kuliah pada jam 12 tengahari, aku balik ke rumah. Sampai sahaja di rumah, Hendry pon ajaklah masak kentang tu. Tapi tak tau nak masak macam mana. Akhir sekali kami membuat keputusan untuk merebus sahaja. Sebelum solat Jumaat, nampak macam sudah siap rebus. Tapi kurang la. Sudah siap pon sebenarnya. Tapi biasa la kalau dah cerewet ni. Tak puas hati lagi. Memandangkan dah masuk waktu solat Jumaat, makan la separuh kentang tu. Sedap la juga. Hehe, boleh tahan...

Hmm... Lepas solat lepak jap. Tunggu budak-budak ni sampai rumah. Dah sampai, sambung la merebus kentang tu. Nak buat kentang lecek. Yumm~!

Tengah merebus, tiba-tiba gas habis. Aduh! Macam mana nak masak ni?

Takpe la.Yang tadi pon cukup. Buat resipi baharu. Kentang lecek campur kobis. Haha.. Macam sedap.... yumm~

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

the current me...

man! i wish i could be more scarier...