Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Habis je SPM, segera bersiap untuk balik ke rumah... tapi sebelum keluar dari daerah Sabak Bernam ni, singgah la jap kat tepi Selat Melaka ...nak malan malam... malang sungguh memory kamera aku dah penuh...tak dapat la nak ambil gambar banyak-banyak kat sana... ni pon terpaksa delete gambar yang diambil kat sekolah... nyesal lak delete gambar-gambar tu... takpe la.... dapat la ambil gambar adikku kat tepi Selat ni...3 je gambar yang dapat...sedey betul la...

tHe LAst

Tinggal lagi beberapa hari sahaja lagi sebelum kami melangkah keluar daripada pagar SBPI SB. Di sini terakamlah sedikit kerenah pelajar tingkatan 5 sebelum tamat zaman persekolahan. Pelbagai aksi dan ragam yang dapat dilihat bagi mengisi masa lapang.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Saya memang gemar merakam keindahan alam ciptaan Ilahi....it has become part of me.... they are so beautiful... too bad... i'm a poor photographer...hahaha

Pindah barang Ust. Amir

fuhh..... banyak jugak barang Ust. Amir nie... barang 7 tahun simpan.... mane x banyak.... mujur kami semua bijak dan kuat... Alhamdulillah, kerja jadi mudah dan senang...


Syazwan : Alamak, baru seminggu habis sekolah dah mula rindu dah...
Aku : Hahaha...tau takpe... tu la...sape sruh tinggalkan banyak kenangan kat sane...?! padan muka....

Song's Birthday

Haidhar Sharif Song's Place

Haidhar menyambut hari lahirnya yang ke 17 pada 16 September 2009...tetapi ditangguh bagi memberi ruang masa kepada kumpulan pelajar yang masih berada di sekolah untuk menghabiskan SPM. Dia membuat keputusan untuk menyambut hari lahirnya itu bersama adik bongsunya iaitu pada hari ini.
Maka bermulalah perjalanan kami ke Taman Kosas. Ada yang datang dari Parit Buntar dan sebagainya. Satu perjalanan yang pangjang...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Jamuan Terakhir 2009

12 Dis 2009, SBPI SB - Tinggal 4 hari sahaja yang tinggal sebelum SBPI SB melepaskan kumpulan pelajar yang terakhir. Berbekalkan sisa-sisa hari yang tinggal, kumpulan pelajar tersebut telah merancang untuk mengadakan sedikit majlis barbeku di hadapan Cafe' De Ria. Seramai 57 orang pelajar aliran Sains Agama bersama dengan Cik Hasfarina telah bertungkus lumus bagi menjayakan majlis terbabit.
Walaupun SPM belum habis tetapi masa yang ada tidak ditumpukan untuk belajar sahaja. Beginilah cara belajar pelajar aliran Sains Agama SBPI SB. Hebat dalam pembahagian masa.


bolehlah lawat alamat di atas untuk cerita yang lebih...

Friday, November 27, 2009


Pada 10 Zulhijjah 1430, bersamaan 27 November 2009, umat Islam seluruh dunia menyambut Eid Adha.
Eid Adha pada tahun ini disambut di pertengahan SPM. Malanglah bagiku kerana terpaksa pulang ke rumah. Aku tahu jika aku pulang ke rumah sudah pasti buku akan terbiar dan habuk akan menebalkan kulitnya. Walaubagaimanapun, aku cuba untuk mengurangkan habuk tersebut walaupun sedikit. Mujurlah ada beberapa orang rakan yang sudi membantu mengurangkan habuk tersebut.
Sambutan pada tahun ini tidak begitu meriah sebagaimana sambutan pada tahun-tahun yang sebelumnya. Tapi bersyukurlah kerana pada tahun ini aku masih lagi panjang umur untuk menyambutnya.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Melangut, termenung dan sebagainya... itulah yg kami buat ketika menunggu ketibaan bas... pelbagai ragam dipamerkan oleh rakan-rakanku...

Jo sempat study...(alaa, bajet la.../ bagus la dia ni ) ....

uih...dah lambat ni.... pukul 9 malam dan bas masih tidak kelihatan.... lantas Amir berkata "pak cik, ini sumpah tak lawak"....dia mengulang beberapa kali....

Amir dah frust. Lalu dia....


Hafiz juga sudah tidak mampu menahan ngantuknye.......

HAHAHA, akhirnya, setelah menunggu selama beberapa jam sejak pukul 7.30 malam hingga 10.30 malam, kami semua terpaksa pulang tanpa menaiki bas...(ngan mak bapak or teksi la kot)... Inilah cerita terakhir (pasal balik naik bas) pada zaman persekolahanku...

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Alhamdulillah, pada 7 November 2009, ana bersama sahabat-sahabat ana telah dipanggil oleh pihak Darul Quran (DQ) untuk proses temuduga.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Study....? never thought of that...

tak sampai 10 minit depan buku....mane bley tahan....hahaha

Balik rumah....

16 OKTOBER 2009...second last balik before aku habis sekolah...

at grandparents..


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

day 2

It's been forever since I came here...lots have change... still, i'm happy to be here again... but, i'm a little bit too late.. most of my cousin were off to somewhere far..i don't have the chance to meet them... well, at least my little cousin with his newborn brother were here... anyway, miss this old house...

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I can't belive it. It feels like Ramadan just started yesterday. But today, we're already in Syawal. Dude, that's way too fast. Seriously it was. Anyway, today is one of the big day for Muslim.

Monday, September 7, 2009


she did it again...
it's so funny...
and i felt funny...
that is just what i need for now...
i even smiled in my sleep...
things do get interesting weren't they...
it'll never stop...
( ok, it'll stop, eventually...at least after i'm dead of course )
i wonder if it gets interesting in the right way or the wrong way...
whatever it is i hope it'll be fine in either way...
besides, we can only planned...
all in Allah's hand...
all and all, i have lots of things to say and do...
but, i'll write it down next time...
if i can get my hands on the internet in other periods of time...
obviously, today i'll be back to my primitive-like hostel...
soon, i'll sent new post...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Not as planned...

my friends asked me out today...
trying to get new shoes...
it's what they said...
but i was looking for something else though...
we went to the Midvalley Megamall...
a little bit far from our home to begin with...
we stuck there most of the day..
we checked store by store...
finally, we're end up buying nothing...
it's so sad...
so, we made our move to Klang...
unfortunately, my friends time is on it limit...
so, they had to head back home...
it's look like our party didn't have any luck today...
well, at least i got my book...


More holiday..?!

whoa... i never thought of spending time at home more than i used to...
this is beyond my expectations... Mr. Principal rocks...!!
it seems like we can go home every week...swee-eet...
thanks...but no thanks..
probably i won't go home next week...
maybe most of the form 5 students won't...
well, the exam is getting near...duh...!!
what else can be their reason...or is it only my own reason...hmm..
forget next week...what about this week...?!
i'm home now...but what am i suppose to do for my sudden holidays..?
i don't even have time planning my holiday...
obviously i have nothing on my mind...
so i'll just enjoy my day.....


Sunday, August 30, 2009

hostel incoming....

c'mmon man...gimme a break will ya...
can't believe the holidays were over...
it'll be like forever for the next school breaks - you know what i mean...
well, it's not like the hostel life sucks or anything...
it's just home is better...way better...
at least because of the tech provided...
no duh...!!
my hostel, somehow, forbide us to bring any higher tech then mp3...
can you believe that...well you better do...coz it's true...
don't get me wrong...
i'm not hating my hostel...
as matter of fact, i do - well, kinda - love it...pretty much, really..
except for the kids...most of the time, they're really annoying...
yeah...the main reason i hate being at the hostel...
and what do you know....
i'll be goin' back tomorrow....back to hostel...
i'm glad this is my final year, though...
anyhow, there is one reason that overwhelming me...
ops...it's a secret....
well, hostel not that bad...
look at the bright side....
it is more than meets the eye...
it's not like what it seem...
yeah..bet on that one..
that's it for now...( i think )
wish me all the best 4 my upcoming exam...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

mY uLtiMat€ lAziNes$.....

school breaks almost over dude...

and i barely touch my homework...

ok, well actually, i don't even look at them...

to finish homework is not an easy task ( for me...i don't know 'bout you guys..)

especially when there is a lot of better things to do...

yeah..and the non-related-school books is way more interesting...

and all the tech at home...how can i resist...?!

well, this fasting month helps a lot with my laziness...

i sleep more than i used to...

that's because usually i don't sleep on day time...

and because i sleep less in night time....

the thing is, i don't know what to do with my untouched homework...

just hoping for miracle to happens...

or hoping for somebody to help me...

which is impossible for these two things will happen to me...


laziness over mind and matter...

well, just knock myself out....